You might wonder why you would need to use such a thing. Many terminal emulators come with built-in feature for splitting your term. In fact, it comes that tmux is much more powerful for splitting and resizing windows. The other reason is that tmux can work with any term. So if you change your term, you don’t need to reconfigure all your presets. Tmux does it for you. And you can also use tmux without X, in a simple tty.
Tmux may look a bit raw and difficult to handle at the beginning. Fortunately, it comes with a great community that helps a lot to set it up. After trying many configurations, I’ve ended up with the one of gpakosz:
Personally, I find it useless to have the uptime in my status bar, so I removed it from the configuration. I also added some plugins:
You have to set tmux as your default shell in your preferred terminal emulator. Once done, tmux will be launched each time you open a new term.