Yes, almost everyone does it this way.  Yes, github and gitlab (and all the others) want to lock you into their particular syntax so you can’t j

Stop Putting Your CI/CD Code in YAML

submited by
Style Pass
2024-06-12 01:30:03

Yes, almost everyone does it this way. Yes, github and gitlab (and all the others) want to lock you into their particular syntax so you can’t jump ship easily.

…you would laugh at them. This would be an insane way to develop with programming language. The modern equivalent of using punched cards and waiting overnight to find out if it worked.

Yes, there are ways to run locally. And if you can use them, you definitely should. Because running things locally is a better experience than committing, pushing, and waiting.

But at my corporate job, most developers use Windows and connect via VPN. Running a docker image to execute a pipeline locally is very difficult in this environment and getting hold of a docker desktop license is tricky. And my suspicion is it is difficult for many corporate developers for similar reasons.

Instead, build and test your CI/CD in your IDE on that powerful development machine you have. When you push it up, the command that ran locally should also run correctly remotely. Put all that logic in a build tool (e.g. make, Bazel, or literally one of hundreds of others). Or into a container. Or even into a script. Or a combination of scripts and build commands.

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