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Not Boring by Packy McCormick

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Style Pass
2024-04-02 23:30:02

Welcome to the  702 newly Not Boring people who have joined us since our last essay! If you haven’t subscribed, join  222,725 smart, curious folks by subscribing here:

I don’t think it’s impossible for startups to take down large, seemingly invincible incumbents, even in the hardest, most physical categories. It’s happened before, it will happen again, and I think Techno-Industrials will be the ones to do it.

These companies have some similarities — using technology to deliver more for less in large existing markets — but each contender is necessarily unique. Trying to reshape industries as diverse as chemicals, energy, agriculture, defense, and aerospace takes very different approaches.

So this year, I want to write deep dives about a number of Techno-Industrials and the industries they’re trying to pull out of stagnation. The best way to understand the general trend, I think, is to zoom in on the specific cases.

The companies I’ll write about are still very young and the odds are that each of them will fail, or at least fall short of their very big goal. But I hope that a few will succeed, and that these deep dives will be the first thing you read about the companies and entrepreneurs that one day have whole books written about them. I’m certainly rooting for them.

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