Last year, I asked the question: Does shadow DOM improve style performance? I didn’t give a clear answer, so perhaps it’s no surprise that

Read the Tea Leaves Software and other dark arts, by Nolan Lawson

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Style Pass
2022-06-22 14:30:14

Last year, I asked the question: Does shadow DOM improve style performance? I didn’t give a clear answer, so perhaps it’s no surprise that some folks weren’t sure what conclusion to draw.

TL;DR: My new benchmark largely confirmed my previous research, and shadow DOM comes out as the most consistently performant option. Class-based style scoping slightly beats shadow DOM in some scenarios, but in others it’s much less performant. Firefox, thanks to its multi-threaded style engine, is much faster than Chrome or Safari.

To recap: shadow DOM has some theoretical benefits to style calculation, because it allows the browser to work with a smaller DOM size and smaller CSS rule set. Rather than needing to compare every CSS rule against every DOM node on the page, the browser can work with smaller “sub-DOMs” when calculating style.

However, browsers have a lot of clever optimizations in this area, and userland “style scoping” solutions have emerged (e.g. Vue, Svelte, and CSS Modules) that effectively hook into these optimizations. The way they typically do this is by adding a class or an attribute to the CSS selector: e.g. * { color: red } becomes *.xxx { color: red }, where xxx is a randomly-generated token unique to each component.

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