Big news for me: after 6 years, I’m leaving Salesforce to join the folks at Socket, working to secure the software supply chain.
Salesforce has been very good to me. But at a certain point, I felt the need to branch out, learn new things, and get out of my comfort zone. At Socket, I’ll be combining something I’m passionate about – the value of open source and the experience of open-source maintainers – with something less familiar to me: security. It’ll be a learning experience for sure!
In addition to learning, though, I also like sharing what I’ve learned. So I’m grateful to Salesforce for giving me a wellspring of ideas and research topics, many of which bubbled up into this very blog. Some of my “greatest hits” of the past 6 years came directly from my work at Salesforce:
Salesforce builds its own JavaScript framework called Lightning Web Components, which is a little-known but surprisingly mighty tool. As part of my work on LWC, I helped modernize its architecture, which led to this post summarizing some of the trends and insights from the last ~10 years of framework design. Thanks to this work, LWC now scores pretty respectably on the js-framework-benchmark (although I still have some misgivings about the benchmark itself).