Apollo Lunar Surface Journal

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2024-07-20 00:30:06

Apollo 11 | Apollo 12 | Apollo 13 | Apollo 14 | Apollo 15 | Apollo 16 | Apollo 17

Resources Apollo Flight Journal, the excellent companion to the ALSJ by David Woods and the AFJ team; Journal de la Surface Lunaire (en Français); Journal der Monderkundung (auf Deutsch); Apollo Image Gallery, quick access to high-res scans of mission photos, edited by Kipp Teague; Apollo Bibliography, websites, books, and other resources. ALSJ on Facebook Introductory Material Cover Page Foreword by Gerry Griffin Prologue Preparation and Structure of the Journal Precursors to the Landing Missions Acknowledgements Bibliography Glossary Program Summary, Overviews, and Supplementary Material 1966 Lunar Landing Mission Symposium 1966-7 Mission Event Illustrations Apollo Program Summary Report JSC-09423 Mission Overviews Mission Summaries Image Libraries Anaglyph Galleries Video and 16-mm Libraries Mission Reports Raw Voice Transcriptions - TEC, PAO, CM, LM Voice Transcripts Pertaining to Geology Preliminary Science Reports Sample Catalogs Technical Debriefings NASA SP-368, Biomedical Results of Apollo (99Mb PDF) Online Apollo Lunar Data from ALSEP and other sources Scientific Results Cloud patterns in Apollo photos compared with contemporary meteorological satellite images Preserving Historic Lunar Sites Political Context For Teachers Background Material Training and Ground Support Crew Training Summaries Flight Director and Flight Controller Assignments Role of the CapCom Apollo Spacecraft and Systems Familiarization 10 Mb PDF USGS Astrogeology (1960-1973) Geology Training and Field Exercises LLRV (Lunar Landing Research Vehicle) Monograph The Only Surviving LLTV (Lunar Landing Training Vehicle) Value of the LLTV LLTV Flight Rules Flight Hardware Spacecraft, Suits, and Rovers Command and Service Module Command and Service Module Documentation Lunar Module J. C. Houbolt: Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous 1961 John Love's LM-9 (KSC display) Photo Album Pre-Launch LM Cabin Close-Out Photos LM-6 Controls and Displays Lunar Module Documentation LLRV (Lunar Landing Research Vehicle) Monograph LLTV (Lunar Landing Training Vehicle) Value of the LLTV Lunar Module Cockpit Mockup circa 1967 LM Landing and Rendezvous Radars Apollo 11 Integrated Circuits Cabin Relief and Dump Valve Buzz Aldrin's Ph.D. thesis Crewman Optical Alignment Sight (COAS) Alignment Optical Telescope (AOT), Navigation Stars, Detents Floyd Bennett - Lunar Module Descent and Ascent Lunar Roving Vehicle Lunar Roving Vehicle Documentation Pre-Apollo 17 Boeing LRV Brochure Don McMillan's Virtual LRV Grumman LRV Deployment Cartoons Suits and Life Support Equipment Apollo EMU Handbooks Post-Flight Suit Inspections A14 EMU Mission Log Flown Suit Photo Albums A7L Donning and Doffing Procedures Development of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit ILC Space Suits and Related Products Apollo Suit Serial Numbers Flown PLSS, OPS, LEVA Serial Numbers PLSS Development Essays by Ken Thomas Portable Life Support System (PLSS) Images OPS Essay by Karl Dodenhoff A17 PLSS/OPS/BSLSS Briefing Apollo 14 PLSS/OPS Performance Remote Control Unit (RCU) LM Environmental Control System Communications Apollo Unified S-Band (USB) System LCRU Crew Training Manual (4 Mb PDF) Network Operations Support Plan for AS-512/Apollo 17 Apollo Experience Rpt - LM Comm. Systems Apollo Experience Rpt - Voice Comm. Technqs. and Performance Bill Wood - Apollo TV Essay NASA TV's 2009 Emmy Television and Communications Documentation Communications Drawings by RCA Illustrator James Burns Apollo Tracking/Receiving Station Locations Handbook for Instrumentation Ships (9.4 Mb PDF) Cameras and Lunar Surface Tools Reading the Frame Counter on the Hasselblad Mags NASA Photography Equipment and Techniques Photographing Stars Apollo Photography and the Color of the Moon Apollo 11 Hasselblads Catalog of Geology Tools Handbook of Pilot Operational Equipment for Manned Space Flight Where No Flag Has Gone Before Condition of the Apollo Flags in 2009-2011 Lunar Geological Exploration Camera Additional Documentation EASEP, ALSEP, and other Experiments EASEP Handbook for the Crew (11 Mb) ALSEP Manual Bendix ALSEP Brouchures Hamish Lindsay - ALSEP Essay Boyd Bolts National Space Science Data Center - Lunar Data Project Lunar Surface Experiments Lunar Surface Drill Manual Traverse Gravimeter Experiment (A17 only) ALSEP Termination Letter Landing Sites, Maps, Geology History of the Lunar Orbiter Program Landing Site Selection On the Moon with Apollo 15,16,17 NASA Lunar Chart Lunar Topographic Orthophotomaps Landing Site Coordinates Sun Angles Apollo Traverses on Earth Flight Plans and Procedures Mission Rules Flight Plans LM Timelines Surface Checklists and Procedures Additional Material Press Kits Apollo Experience Reports Tindallgrams Other Apollo and Lunar Documentation Gemini Summary Conference Surveyor Program Results Bob Andrepont's Spaceflight Document Collections Access to NASA photos and videos Access to NASA Audio Closing Material Epilogue Ulli Lotzmann's Apollo Sketch Book More Creativity   Pages designed by: Gordon Roxburgh Copyright © 1995-2017 by Eric M. Jones. All rights reserved. Last modified: 17 November 2017.

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