Over the past few months, Blue Origin has been busy progressing on many of its projects as target dates move closer. New Glenn continues to inch close

Blue Origin works towards New Glenn debut, ramps BE-4 deliveries

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2024-06-07 19:00:03

Over the past few months, Blue Origin has been busy progressing on many of its projects as target dates move closer. New Glenn continues to inch closer to launch, facilities are being expanded, BE-4 engines have been delivered to ULA, and New Shepard has returned to crewed flights. New Glenn

With the September launch window of NASA’s EscaPADE Mars mission closing in, teams are working through the tail-end of tests at Launch Complex 36 (LC-36) to prepare the site for its first static fire and launch.

On March 12, Blue rolled back the New Glenn Pathfinder first stage after completing cryogenic and ground system testing on the launch pad. The 7-meter-wide and 45-meter-long stage made the trek back to the company’s campus at Exploration Park, just outside the gates of Kennedy Space Center.

The New Glenn first stage pathfinder is transported back to the factory following cryogenic testing. (Credit: Max Evans for NSF)

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