Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 7229 (2024 ) Cite this article
The quantization of gravity is widely believed to result in gravitons – particles of discrete energy that form gravitational waves. But their detection has so far been considered impossible. Here we show that signatures of single graviton exchange can be observed in laboratory experiments. We show that stimulated and spontaneous single-graviton processes can become relevant for massive quantum acoustic resonators and that stimulated absorption can be resolved through continuous sensing of quantum jumps. We analyze the feasibility of observing the exchange of single energy quanta between matter and gravitational waves. Our results show that single graviton signatures are within reach of experiments. In analogy to the discovery of the photo-electric effect for photons, such signatures can provide the first experimental clue of the quantization of gravity.
Merging Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics is one of the main outstanding problems of modern physics. A major challenge is the lack of experimental evidence for quantum gravity, with few known experimentally feasible goals. Apart from possible signatures from cosmological observations1, the advent of quantum control over a variety of quantum systems has enabled searches also in laboratory experiments at low energies2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. This research is fueled by increasing mastery over quantum phenomena at novel mass-scales, such as matter-waves with large molecules12, quantum control over opto-mechanical systems13,14, or demonstration of quantum states of macroscopic resonators15,16. Proposals with these and similar new quantum systems focus mainly on tests of phenomenological models of quantum gravity that result in modifications to known physics2,3,4,17. Tests of quantum phenomena stemming from gravity within expected physics have been proposed for large superpositions of gravitational source masses6,7,8 or quantum noise from gravitons18,19, but these are far outside the reach of current experiments. The detection of single spin-2 gravitons—the most direct evidence of quantum gravity—has so far been considered a near impossible task20,21,22,23.