Architecture of a Joke · nablag

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Style Pass
2024-09-28 22:30:04

The joke itself is small, but what I think is more fun and interesting are the constraints I had for this project, and how there are a couple of clever decisions that affect the architectural, implementation, and operational choices.

The core of the joke was that this was another tech product, while technically impressive, is for a business need that people don’t really want or need. I.E it’s a “bad” product.

This idea was inspired because my workplace semi-regularly pushed “hackathons”/”call for product proposals” within my org. Being on a DNS team, there’s not a lot of room for “out of the box” DNS products… I would regularly joke that we should do “LLM DNS”, or “DNS with Advertisements”.

As a fun little fact, DNS hijacking for advertisements isn’t even anything new. There was another blog link talking about this and I bookmarked it (but I somehow lost it). I’ll update this page if I ever do re-find it.

The problem with making a joke like this is that making a DNS resolver from scratch is a lot of work. There’s a billion reason for this, but mainly

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