Neon Authorize integrates with third-party JWT-based authentication providers like Auth0 and Clerk, bringing authorization closer to your data by leve

About Neon Authorize

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Style Pass
2024-10-31 14:00:02

Neon Authorize integrates with third-party JWT-based authentication providers like Auth0 and Clerk, bringing authorization closer to your data by leveraging Row-Level Security (RLS) at the database level.

When implementing user authentication in your application, third-party authentication providers like Clerk, Auth0, and others simplify the process of managing user identities, passwords, and security tokens. Once a user's identity is confirmed, the next step is authorization — controlling who can do what in your app based on their user type or role — for example, admins versus regular users. With Neon Authorize, you can manage authorization directly within Postgres, either alongside or as a complete replacement for security at other layers.

Most authentication providers issue JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on user authentication to convey user identity and claims. The JWT is a secure way of proving that logged-in users are who they say they are — and passing that proof on to other entities.

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