Summary: A new study explores how different light levels impact cognitive function by influencing hypothalamic activity in the brain. The study utiliz

Bright Light, Sharper Mind: Lighting Affects Cognition

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2024-04-24 20:00:11

Summary: A new study explores how different light levels impact cognitive function by influencing hypothalamic activity in the brain. The study utilized advanced 7 Tesla fMRI to show that higher levels of light improve cognitive performance during complex tasks.

This link between light exposure and brain function suggests potential for light-based therapies to enhance alertness and cognitive abilities throughout the day. The findings pave the way for further investigation into how light affects various brain structures and could inform the development of non-invasive treatments for cognitive fatigue and sleep disorders.

Exposure to higher levels of light can help people feel more awake and increase cognitive performance, probably by influencing the activity of parts of a brain region called the hypothalamus, according to new research. 

The study, published today as a Reviewed Preprint in eLife, is described by the editors as of fundamental importance, and represents a key advancement to our understanding of how different levels of light affect human behaviour.

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