Welcome to Product for Engineers, a newsletter created by  PostHog for engineers and founders who want to build successful startups.  In March, it

Product for Engineers

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2024-05-09 19:30:03

Welcome to Product for Engineers, a newsletter created by  PostHog for engineers and founders who want to build successful startups.

In March, it announced remote employees would not be considered for promotions, or be able to change roles. Dell’s rationale, some waffle about “in-person connections” and “value differentiation,” is as tired as a Dell Inspiron trying to run Cyberpunk 2077.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The best remote teams are brimming with energy, are super productive, and do incredible work. So whether you’re part of a remote team, leading one, or want to go remote, here’s how the best of the best make it work, with some tips on how you can up your game, too.

Documenting by default – be it information on how to file expenses, your ICP, or what a specific team is working on this quarter – gives everyone access to the same information, regardless of seniority or location.

It’s faster. Scheduling is hard and meetings interrupt deep work. If something can be written down, it will save time and improve transparency around decision-making. Plus, it's more efficient to have a meeting to align everyone after you've all written down what you think.

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