With AI advancements landing at lightning speed, it can feel like we're all stuck on a dizzying ride that we can't pause to take a breather. So, on da

Watch: The morbid, mesmerizing beauty of AI gymnastics

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Style Pass
2024-07-06 18:00:03

With AI advancements landing at lightning speed, it can feel like we're all stuck on a dizzying ride that we can't pause to take a breather. So, on days like this, it's worth remembering that, much like humans, there are some hilarious underachievers.

Today's best is this mesmerizing, multi-limb, antigravity collection of gymnastics routines, where athletes sprout extra arms and legs, hover in midair, turn themselves inside out and seem to bend reality itself as the apparatus morphs and elongates beneath them. But it's best just to watch ...

Moving bodies seem to be a bit of a challenge across the board for some AI models. Take, for example, video-creator Luma AI, proving that it has certainly never seen a manatee in its (we assume) extensive learnings. This was its interpretation of a manatee floating in space framed by shooting stars ...

Not to be outdone, here we have Luma again struggling in the murky marine environment, in an attempt at two narwhals having a sword fight with their tusks. What we get instead looks like an orca being flayed by an invisible butcher.

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