I was talking with a friend recently who’s feeling stuck at work. Middle-aged, everything seems hard. Struggling to find the next opportunity and di

I’m doing this because this is what I got.

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Style Pass
2024-04-02 16:00:08

I was talking with a friend recently who’s feeling stuck at work. Middle-aged, everything seems hard. Struggling to find the next opportunity and dissatisfied with the current one.

I listened to a podcast this week where an actor from a recent action movie shared insights into his grueling training process. Beyond the restricted diet and intense workouts, he endured injuries. One stunt left him with glass piercing through his hand. On another morning, he woke up with his arm completely swollen from a staph infection.

When the hosts, surprised by his commitment, asked why he doesn’t just choose lighter roles, like a sitcom, his response was: “No one thinks I’m funny. I would love to do a sitcom. Everyone’s like, ‘He’s so serious. This guy is so serious.’ I’m doing this because this is what I got, guys.”

Daniel Kahneman, the renowned behavioral psychologist, passed away last week, on March 27, 2024. A giant in psychology, his legacy of enlightenment and inspiration will endure. He leaves behind an indelible mark on the field and our understanding of the human mind. An interesting experiment of his came up on the No Stupid Questions podcast recently.

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