Dnsmasq wins the first BlueHats Prize

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2024-04-18 16:30:08

BlueHats prizes is an initiative by the French Interministerial Digital Directorate. They are awarded to maintainers of critical free and open source projects. In 2024 four prizes of € 10 000 each will be given out. We are happy to announce the winner of the first 2024 BlueHats prize is Simon Kelley, maintainer of the dnsmasq project. Dnsmasq provides network addressing for small networks: DNS, DHCP, router advertisement and network boot.

The jury, made up of public officials from the Ministries of Education and Youth, ANSSI and DINUM, recognised the importance of dnsmasq and its ongoing development for network security. The members of the Open Source Software Council wish to continue to highlight this type of initiative: discrete projects that are critical to software infrastructures, and maintained by reliable teams over the years.

In response to hearing he had won, Simon Kelley said:I'm delighted to accept the prize. Like many Free Software projects, dnsmasq started as a creation for it's own sake, but it has been kept alive and developing for a quarter of a century because of the feedback that has come from its role in the outside world, and the recognition, small and large, that it makes a difference. This prize is valuable financially, but much more so as a mark of public recognition that dnsmasq is still something that's worth doing.

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