This is a very long post for people who want a lot of details. If you want the shorter story of how I plan to avoid these mistakes at Otherbranch, loo

Why Triplebyte failed

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Style Pass
2024-06-10 16:00:07

This is a very long post for people who want a lot of details. If you want the shorter story of how I plan to avoid these mistakes at Otherbranch, look here.

My name is Rachel. I joined Triplebyte in 2018 as a random ops employee; after a few other roles I eventually became Triplebyte's head of product for its last two years. I'm also the founder here at Otherbranch.

First, I’m trying to bring something like it back (if the website didn’t tip you off). And to try again, I personally need to understand why Triplebyte failed. I want to avoid those failure modes, and that means I need to know what they were and how to avoid them. Writing about them is a way to demand enough clarity and rigor from myself to publish something for the world.

Second, Triplebyte was, at one time, a company with an excellent brand delivering a well-liked product. Many people have asked me, both professionally and personally, why a product that had such a good reputation with engineers would abandon the product they loved - or how such an apparently-healthy product would fail. I'd like to answer that question as well as I can.

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