At work, we've been modularizing our old Rails monolith for the better part of 2 years. We've made a ton of progress and I've personally learned a lot

Modeling a big spaghetti app

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Style Pass
2024-07-07 19:30:02

At work, we've been modularizing our old Rails monolith for the better part of 2 years. We've made a ton of progress and I've personally learned a lot. Unfortunately, it's been challenging to share details publicly because all the examples are closed source, and sensitive. If I wanted to write any open-source any visualization tooling, it'd be hard to test on anything resembling a real project.

I recently made some progress in this problem space. LLMs are great at synthetic data generation, and it turns out that Claude 3.5 Sonnet can, given the right combination of prompts, produce a pretty mean looking spaghetti ball monolith.

I didn't feel like this was "monolith-y enough" so I coaxed it to get more tangled. I also asked for it to provide edge descriptions and a few different user types.

Then, in a new session, I asked if Claude could generate a graphql schema for this app. It did a good job on it's first attempt. I asked it in a subsequent request to add documentation to the schema. I also needed to tell it to use relay... I ended up with this:

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