Be Respectful - This shouldn't need to be a rule, but this is the internet.  People can unnecessarily be jerks sometimes.  We'd much appreciat

Stop using for projects - Credit card info required for new registrations : opensource

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Style Pass
2024-02-11 04:00:03

Be Respectful - This shouldn't need to be a rule, but this is the internet. People can unnecessarily be jerks sometimes. We'd much appreciate it if this wasn't a place where that happens. Please refrain from talking down to people, being overly patronizing, name-calling, personal insults, etc.

Hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated. For a refresher, please see Reddit's entry on Reddiquette as a general guideline.

No Spam / Excessive self-promotion - Reddit has clear rules about self promotion. We encourage you to be proud of/promote your work to a degree, but we also don't want users using this sub as a link farm to promote their project/website/YouTube channel.

Reddit recommends that <10% of your posts promote your content. We're a little more forgiving, but don't take advantage of it.

No Memes/Low-Effort posts - This sub is a place for discussion and news regarding the world of open source projects. There are literally hundreds of other subs dedicated to memes and shitposting. Please keep those kinds of posts in those subs.

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