I wrote about my crazy vision 2 days ago, about how the twitter API is locked down and that has killed a lot of community applications, but they canâ€

Washington Post is collecting TikTok user data from its followers for public good

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Style Pass
2024-09-20 20:30:03

I wrote about my crazy vision 2 days ago, about how the twitter API is locked down and that has killed a lot of community applications, but they can’t stop us from exporting our own data and sharing it with each other.

Yesterday I found out that the Washington Post is actively doing something very similar on TikTok with their followers! They’ve collected data from 800 users and watch history on 55 million videos so far according to this video.

They data they’re collecting is private, but the analysis they’re doing is open. They’re telling you exactly what they’re doing, and users are sharing their data because they’re curious about the answers to these questions. This is just as I predicted: users share their data when it benefits them. If companies won’t share the insights about society & culture that they know about us, we’ll do it ourselves.

I love this question and I’m extremely curious to see the results, of how much people THINK they spend on TikTok vs how much time they actually spend on it (this one is a fun game that anyone can do locally, without giving up your data to anyone, and we can have global results for this, on other apps too!)

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