Below are descriptions of known limitations when using Accelerate. If you encounter any additional ones, please share them with us via Discord.
While you can increase the query timeout, it’s recommended to inspect and optimize your database queries if they take longer than 10 seconds. This will help reduce stress on your underlying database, as long-running queries often indicate a need for optimization. Learn more in the troubleshooting guide.
Accelerate has a default global timeout of 15s for each interactive transaction that you can configure depending on your pricing plan:
While you can increase the interactive transaction timeout limit, it’s recommended to inspect and optimize your database transactions if they take longer than 15 seconds to reduce stress on your underlying database. Long-running transactions can negatively impact performance and typically indicate a need for optimization. Learn more in the troubleshooting guide and review the warning in the Interactive Transactions section in our documentation.
While you can increase the query response size, it’s recommended to limit data retrieval to what you actually need. This improves database performance, reduces stress on your database, and makes your frontend apps more responsive. Queries with response sizes larger than 5 MB often indicate a need for optimization. Learn more in the troubleshooting guide.