Get a free, visual analysis of your churn metrics and understand how your retention compares to other companies.

What is churn costing your business?

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Style Pass
2024-10-14 15:30:07

Get a free, visual analysis of your churn metrics and understand how your retention compares to other companies.

Connecting your payment provider will give us read-only snapshot of your churn data to analyze. We'll use this to build your custom report and help you predict how much you could boost your company revenue.

Where does your retention stand over the last 30 days? Reveal your churn rate, gross monthly churn revenue, and net monthly churn.

Understand how both your revenue and logo churn have been trending over the past months and quarters. Identify whether you are losing lots of small customers—or a few large ones.

Leverage an in-depth churn cohort analysis report to understand how subscription retention trends change over their first 12 months.

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