This utility allows an easy way to add end-to-end cryptographic attestation to patches sent via mail. It does so by adapting the DKIM email signature

patatt 0.4.4

submited by
Style Pass
2021-05-31 13:00:06

This utility allows an easy way to add end-to-end cryptographic attestation to patches sent via mail. It does so by adapting the DKIM email signature standard to include cryptographic signatures via the X-Developer-Signature email header.

If your project workflow doesn’t use patches sent via email, then you don’t need this and should simply start signing your tags and commits.

DKIM is a widely adopted standard for domain-level attestation of email messages. It works by hashing the message body and certain individual headers, and then creating a cryptographic signature of the resulting hash. The receiving side obtains the public key of the sending domain from its DNS record and checks the signature and header/body hashes. If the signature verifies and the resulting hashes are identical, then there is a high degree of assurance that neither the body of the message nor any of the signed headers were modified in transit.

This utility uses the exact same DKIM standard to hash the headers and the body of the patch message, but uses a different set of fields and canonicalization routines:

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