Over 10 years, we've crafted a highly transparent, systematic approach to compensation where fairness and equity happen “by design."
How much should you pay people? What should the difference be between juniors and seniors? Should all senior software engineers be paid the same? Is there a self-reinforcing, systematic way to ensure people are paid equally for the same role regardless of race or gender? How does geography factor in? Employers say they're being fair, but how can employees know beyond simply saying "trust me"? I heard another company has more than the usual number of vaction days, should we do the same?
Every company has different answers to these questions, and I suspect most of them default to "do what everyone else does." As a company full of engineering types, we naturally tend to be skeptical of blindly following what most companies do. We like to think about things from first principles, and we want to find thoughtful answers and to think systematically. We're now a 300-person software company, so getting these things "right" has always been extremely important to us —too important to be left to "what everyone else does."
Over 10 years, we've crafted a highly transparent, systematic approach to compensation where fairness and equity happen “by design."