📝 Go 1.23: Interactive release notesNew proposalsruntime: add AddCleanup and deprecate SetFinalizer👉 weak: new package providing weak pointers

Cup o' Go

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2024-07-26 22:00:05

📝 Go 1.23: Interactive release notesNew proposalsruntime: add AddCleanup and deprecate SetFinalizer👉 weak: new package providing weak pointers💪 Bufstream enters public...

News this week:🆕 rc2 is out Google Groups noticeThe actual Merge List🇰🇪 GopherCon Africa Oct 18-19Does Go benefit more from copilot than other languages?Range-over-fun...

Conferences & CFPs🇮🇱 GopherCon Israel, Sept 9 @ Tel AvivCFP open until Jul 15🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, NoCFP open until Sept 15🇮🇳 GopherCon India, Dec 1 @ Jaipur🇩🇪 Fyne Conf, S...

Go 1.22.5 & 1.21.12 releasedConferences🇮🇱 GopherCon Israel, Sept 9 @ Tel AvivCFP open until Jul 15🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, NoCFP open until Sept 15🇮🇳 GopherCon India, Dec 1 @ ...

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