Phil Shapiro ChatGPT Explorations

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2024-12-25 21:30:08

I have often thought that the question of how one ought to live is as perennial as the seasons, and as susceptible to overcomplication as the foliage of a tangled wood. To live deliberately, with purpose, requires discernment: a stripping away of the superfluous so that the essential may shine forth. And yet, in this age of noise and haste, we find ourselves burdened by the overornamentation of our means. I submit, dear reader, that even in the realm of private aviation—perhaps especially there—simplicity is the truest luxury.

It is not the extravagance of the flight, nor the ostentation of its trappings, that speaks to the nobility of human endeavor. A gilded fuselage or a chandelier within the cabin may dazzle the senses, but they do little to elevate the spirit. Far better to have a simple, unadorned jet: one that carries us swiftly, efficiently, and humbly to where we must go. The grandeur of the journey lies not in the seat coverings or the champagne served but in the soaring perspective afforded by altitude and freedom.

For what, after all, is the purpose of such flight if not to liberate oneself from the constraints of time and space, to compress distance and amplify opportunity? To burden such an experience with unnecessary luxuries is to chain the soul to the very fetters from which it seeks release. A simple jet—like a simple cabin in the woods—is sufficient for the thoughtful traveler who values substance over show.

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