Join Scott Hickle at DeSciNYC for his talk on the Gut Check series, where he shares insights from his completed personal experiment on the impacts of

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2024-06-09 20:00:03

Join Scott Hickle at DeSciNYC for his talk on the Gut Check series, where he shares insights from his completed personal experiment on the impacts of a severely processed diet followed by a strict health rehabilitation.

Over the course of 60 days, Scott subjected himself to a diet filled with fast foods, fried items, and processed sugars, meticulously documenting every impact using cutting-edge health monitoring technologies like Throne, OURA, WHOOP, and Levels.

His journey was divided into two phases: the first involving daily indulgence in unhealthy foods, and the second, a recovery phase under the guidance of health professionals.

Join Scott as he presents the transformative findings from turning his body into a living laboratory in this unique and enlightening exploration.

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