It’s the middle of the week, we have the rest of the week to go for drunken shenanigans of our own. This might help lighten yup your mood and maybe

Rabbit Holes 🐇🕳

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Style Pass
2024-05-08 06:30:07

It’s the middle of the week, we have the rest of the week to go for drunken shenanigans of our own. This might help lighten yup your mood and maybe get you interested in some events in history.

Today we are going to learn from our forefathers on how not to manage our alcohol consumption. Learning from history is one thing, but learning through the lens of how smashed a bunch of individuals got to create history is another. This is probably the same thought you had last weekend after going out with your buddies, believing the night would be the best of your lives (to make history obv). Was it possibly a good occasion for drinking, maybe it was. Did you remember anything significant which could be forced into the annals of history, maybe, but probably not. We have all been there. Or have we ? We don’t know.

But these people who have made it into this list definitely have had the Dutch courage or two to make it here. There is also a thin line between bravery and foolishness, you get to choose which side you think you want to be on. It would be a lot of thinking if you were drunk and for our examples below it probably was more than a lot of thinking.

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