I delved deep into exploring Forms in Next.js 14 using Next's App Router, React Server Components (RSC), and Server Actions. This comprehensive t

Exploring Next.js Forms with Server Actions

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Style Pass
2024-02-27 17:30:09

I delved deep into exploring Forms in Next.js 14 using Next's App Router, React Server Components (RSC), and Server Actions. This comprehensive tutorial covers React/Next native aspects like useFormStatus, useFormState and revalidatePath.

The tutorial also provides detailed insights into form validation using Zod, error handling on a fine- and coarse-grained level, offering user feedback through field-level errors and toast messages while also staying functional without JavaScript in the browser by leveraging the web's capabilties of progressive enhancement.

Currently I am working on a new course called "The Road to Next" which will hopefully match the popularity of The Road to React. We will create a full-stack Next application which goes all the way from fundamental React knowledge to accessing a serverless database. I am more than excited to share all my knowledge about Next.js with you. If you are interested, feel free to sign up on my Newsletter for getting updates about it.

This tutorial screams for a library that matches all the shown requirements. And there are already libraries out there to improve the DX for forms in Next, however, I wanted to stay unopinionated and show you the fundamentals of all the provided building blocks.

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