While the exact inception of clothing remains shrouded in mystery due to the perishable nature of early fabrics, genetic analysis suggests that humans

Ancient Fashion: The Oldest Pieces of Clothing and Accessories Ever Found

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2024-04-27 14:00:07

While the exact inception of clothing remains shrouded in mystery due to the perishable nature of early fabrics, genetic analysis suggests that humans began wearing clothing around 170,000 years ago.

For instance, sewing needles have been dated back to approximately 40,000 years ago, while evidence of dyed fibers dates back to 36,000 BC.

In a 2015 announcement, scientists revealed a stunning archaeological find: the world’s oldest form of “bling” – eight eagle talons uncovered at a Neanderthal site in Croatia.

These talons, originating from at least three eagles, displayed intricate cut marks, designed for stringing, and showed signs of meticulous polishing, indicating their use as part of a necklace or bracelet.

This finding challenges the traditional view of Neanderthals as primitive beings, revealing instead a complex and intelligent society that engaged in practices such as religion and art.

Researchers speculate that the talons were chosen for their ceremonial significance, indicating a sophisticated understanding of symbolism among Neanderthals.

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