Logging all C++ destructors, poor mans run-time tracing - Raymii.org

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2024-09-21 19:30:10

I recently faced a challenging issue with an application that wasn't shutting down correctly, either segfaulting or terminating without an active exception. Running the program via valgrind to check for memory leaks wasn't possible because the program couldn’t perform its cleanup if it didn't shut down correctly. This article covers adding runtime instrumentation provided by gcc to log destructors. This helped me figure out what was still left over from the closed-source framework in use preventing correct shutdowns or causing segfaults. It includes example code, setup instructions and insights into handling shutdown issues in large, multi-threaded codebases.

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This is an embedded application that normally never exits, so shutdown behavior hadn't been a focus. Given the large codebase with many threads, pinpointing the shutdown issues was difficult.

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