> Reverse Shells, Linux and Letters

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2024-10-28 15:00:08

[!Warning] You will not rizz your way out of jail. This post is merely for educational purposes. You (most likely) are not some soon-to-be-famous-hacker.

It’s time to get your programming socks, yeet Metasploit through the window and curse at gcc because we’ll be writing a reverse shell of our own for Linux.

If you want to skip right ahead to our finished binary, check this out: https://gist.github.com/renatorpn/60a8a723e8cd2c38d84d4111e3b2ba87

A reverse shell is a program that connects a computer to another computer, simple as that. The victim executes the binary and the binary is responsible for establishing a session to another computer through a connection (socket). When the connection is established, the attacker computer can control the victim through shell commands.

As a Gen Z I had limited exposure to writing stuff on papers and personally I NEVER wrote a letter to someone, but for the sake of this example, let’s pretend I know how mailing and letters work and bear with me for a moment.

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