I have being trying to test the MySQL monitoring feature since Coroot announced that it is suported. If you are not yet familiar with Coroot, the elev

Monitoring MySQL with Coroot

submited by
Style Pass
2024-09-23 13:30:02

I have being trying to test the MySQL monitoring feature since Coroot announced that it is suported. If you are not yet familiar with Coroot, the elevator pitch will be something around this lines: “An observability tool, heavily based on eBPF, so no one have to deal ever again with confusing instrumentation”. More on https://coroot.com/

So i just spinned a VM, installed docker and started to work. First was installing coroot. The Docker method is pretty straightforward (a docker compose), nothing weird there.

Next, the actual MySQL. Since i was already using docker, i went with the Percona Server for MySQL docker image. Also pretty simple. Once the contaner was running, i added artificial load with sysbench. And then the “magic”.

The node agent detected that there was a MySQL instance running. I didn’t have to do anything to add it to the monitoring. I did had to create a mysql user for coroot to connect thoug.

Just start a transaction, run some SELECT …. FOR UPDATE to lock rows and never commit nor rollback. At least not for a while.

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