It honestly breaks my heart to write this article, but I want to be as transparent as possible with our readers because you are the ones that have qui

Google Is Killing Retro Dodo & Other Independent Sites

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Style Pass
2024-04-03 18:30:02

It honestly breaks my heart to write this article, but I want to be as transparent as possible with our readers because you are the ones that have quite literally kept our lights on over the past five years, and you deserve to know the truth about what’s happening behind the scenes, so here it is. 

Back in 2019, I took the big risk of leaving my comfortable, full-time job and pursuing my own goal of creating a content brand that informs and educates retro gamers. I had very little money back then, just enough to sustain myself for a few months, and because I built up a small fan base on YouTube before leaving my job, I could start to earn a little bit of income through that platform while freelance video editing for large media companies.

I grafted solo for a long time and created the website that you are reading today to share my opinions on retro handhelds and old video games. It took 12 months or so before my blog started to make money through the installation of display advertising. Combined with my YouTube revenue, I could finally drop all of my freelancing gigs and go all in.

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