Typical cozy games include a “character creation” stage, where players can customize the protagonist and step into the world with their bespoke avatar. Give it a try, or just keep scrolling.
The holiday season has wrapped up, but winter stretches on. It’s time to get cozy. Tuck under the covers, brew a warm cup of tea, and settle in with your gaming console. Don’t feel guilty, it might even be good for you.
The gaming industry is larger than the film and music industries combined globally. A growing sector is the subgenre dubbed “cozy games.” They are marked by their relaxing nature, meant to help players unwind with challenges that are typically more constructive than destructive. Recent research explores whether this style of game, along with video games more generally, can improve mental health and quality of life.
With the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons in 2020, there’s been a rise in the number of cozy games and a significant increase in popularity.