I recently built and designed a massive service that (finally) launched successfully last month. During the design and implementation process, I found

4 Software Design Principles I Learned the Hard Way

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Style Pass
2024-04-25 10:00:11

I recently built and designed a massive service that (finally) launched successfully last month. During the design and implementation process, I found that the following list of “rules” kept coming back up over and over in various scenarios.

These rules are common enough that I daresay that at least one of them will be useful for a project that any software engineers reading this are currently working on. But if you can’t apply it directly now, I hope that these principles are a useful thought exercise that you are free to comment on below or challenge directly too.

Basically, if you’re trying to maintain a piece of state in two different locations within the same service… just don’t. It’s better to try to just reference the same state wherever you can. For example, if you’re maintaining a frontend application and have a bank balance that is from the server, I’ve seen enough sync bugs in my time that I always want to get that balance from the server. If there is some balance that is derived from that, such as “spendable balance” versus “total” (for example, some banks make you keep a minimum balance), then that “spendable balance” should be derived on-the-fly rather than stored separately. Else, you’ll now have to update both balances whenever a transaction happens.

In general, if there is a piece of data that is derived from another value, then that value should be derived rather than stored. Storing that value leads to synchronization bugs. (Yes, I know this isn’t always possible. There will always be other factors in play, like the expense of the derivation. At the end of the day, it’s a tradeoff.)

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