Robert Haas: Mentoring Program Updates

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2024-07-09 14:30:08

First, I ended up keeping applications open for 12 days. During that time, I got 34 applications. Many of the 9 committer-mentors who initially offered to mentor one person ended up deciding that they would be willing to mentor two people, so I was able to send out 14 acceptances, which I think is a great result, especially considering that this is the first time we've done something like this.

But what about all of the people who were applied and not accepted, or who did not apply but are still interested in learning more about hacking on PostgreSQL? How can we support them and encourage them to get involved and contribute? I'm pleased to be able to announce two additional efforts in that direction.

First,  I decided to spin up a Discord server, which anyone is welcome to join. The purpose of this Discord server is for people who are interested in hacking on PostgreSQL to connect with each other and with experienced hackers who can help them learn how to do it better. Initially, I sent out invitations to all of the committers who agreed to mentor, and all of those who applied for a mentor. However, one of my colleagues then tweeted a link to the Discord, and it now has almost 300 people in it!

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