This project houses two packages:
 * tkwintrack (latest release: 2.0.1)
 Tkwintrack is an inspection  tool for developers of Tk GUI's. While

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Style Pass
2021-07-22 01:30:03

This project houses two packages: * tkwintrack (latest release: 2.0.1) Tkwintrack is an inspection tool for developers of Tk GUI's. While tracking individual windows in a GUI with the mouse pointer, tkwintrack outlines them and displays their pathname in a small widget. Window pathnames reported in this pathname widget may be copied to the clipboard using a keyboard shortcut. To run tkwintrack, you need package windetect as well. Tkwintrack is the successor of wintrackgui (its name before release 2.0.0). * windetect (latest release: 1.0.0) Windetect is a Tk library which provides the detection functionality for tracking windows in a GUI with the mouse. NOTE 1: The green download buttons generated by SF don't cope with two packages. Better ignore them and go directly to the Files tab to get what you really need. NOTE 2: The .tar.gz files include the unix manual page, which the .zip files lack.

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