In late 2022, I blogged about the work needed to develop a specification for end-to-end encryption for the fediverse. I sketched out some of the key m

Towards Federated Key Transparency

submited by
Style Pass
2024-06-07 08:30:16

In late 2022, I blogged about the work needed to develop a specification for end-to-end encryption for the fediverse. I sketched out some of the key management components on GitHub, and then the public work abruptly stalled.

That is to say, managing secret keys, using secret keys, and deriving shared secret keys are all in the “easy” bucket.

In a centralized service (think: Twitter, Facebook, etc.), this is actually much easier to build: Shove your public keys into a database, and design your client-side software to trust whatever public key your server gives them. Bob’s your uncle, pack it up and go home.

If you explicitly trust the server, the server could provide the wrong public key (i.e., one for which the server knows the corresponding secret key) and you’ll be none the wiser. This makes it trivial for the server to intercept and read your messages.

If your users are trusting you regardless, they’re probably just as happy if you don’t encrypt at the endpoint at all (beyond using TLS, but transport encryption is table stakes for any online service so nevermind that).

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