<aside> 💡 Hola friends! We recently created a Discord for Software Automation where we discuss these kinds of topics on a bi-weekly basis. Th

What are some custom tools you’ve built/seen internally that has helped your team succeed in automation? | Notion

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2024-06-28 00:00:14

<aside> 💡 Hola friends! We recently created a Discord for Software Automation where we discuss these kinds of topics on a bi-weekly basis.

This discussion focuses on custom tools and solutions developers have created to improve their testing, automation, and development processes. The examples shared demonstrate a wide range of innovative approaches to solving specific challenges in various contexts. Key themes include:

These custom solutions often address unique organizational needs or fill gaps in existing toolsets, showcasing the creativity and problem-solving skills of developers.

I made a glorified notification system called TestBeacon (I wish I called it TestBacon though) that would send a Slack message to a channel when a test was failing above a certain % in ALL Continuous-Integration builds.

This helped us tackle flaky tests as we'd get a stacktrace, failure %, and alert all at once which allowed the right person with right context to jump in and fix it all autonomously.

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