By chaining various messaging APIs in browsers and browser extensions, I demonstrate how we can jump from web pages to “universal code execution

Universal Code Execution by Chaining Messages in Browser Extensions

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Style Pass
2024-07-08 16:30:16

By chaining various messaging APIs in browsers and browser extensions, I demonstrate how we can jump from web pages to “universal code execution”, breaking both Same Origin Policy and the browser sandbox. I provide two new vulnerability disclosures affecting millions of users as examples. In addition, I demonstrate how such vulnerabilities can be discovered at scale with a combination of large dataset queries and static code analysis.

Note: The extension case studies were disclosed to their owners in April, but haven’t been patched and are thus censored.

Universal cross-site scripting (XSS) has been described as “the most powerful XSS” because of its ability to execute on any webpage (hence “universal”) and break Same Origin Policy in some cases. The reason for this is that the vulnerability lies in the browser or a browser extension, allowing it to extend beyond a single origin’s scope.

However, thanks to the ever-growing capabilities of browser extension APIs and dangerously-implemented native messaging protocols, a far more impactful vulnerability can exploited - universal code execution. As observed by Arseny Reutov as early as 2017 in “PostMessage Security in Chrome Extensions”, there’s a way to relay messages from a web page all the way to native applications, and not much has improved since then. Unfortunately, one fact of vulnerability research is that you only realise halfway through that another researcher has taken the same track before, but it’s still worth revisiting old techniques to see if they still apply.

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