Database Remote-Copy Tool For SQLite

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2024-10-28 07:30:04

Use the --help or -? flag to see the complete list of options. Option flags may appear before, after, or between the ORIGIN and REPLICA arguments.

It is not required that one of ORIGIN or REPLICA be remote. The sqlite3_rsync utility works fine if both ORIGIN and REPLIA are local.

Both databases may be "live" while this utility is running. Other programs can have active connections to the databases on either end while this utility is running. Other programs can write to ORIGIN and can read from REPLICA while this utility runs.

REPLICA becomes a copy of a snapshot of ORIGIN as it existed when the sqlite3_rsync command started. If other processes change the content of ORIGIN while this command is running, those changes will be applied to ORIGIN, but they are not transferred to REPLICA Thus, REPLICA ends up as a fully-consistent snapshot of ORIGIN at an instant in time.

While sqlite3_rsync is running, REPLICA is read-only. Queries can be run against REPLICA while this utility is running, just not write transactions.

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