Strava Privacy Policy

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2024-09-21 13:30:17

Your privacy is very important to us. Before we get to the details, here’s a summary of our key privacy practices. Click on the links to learn more and read the full policy below.

Strava’s privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) explains the information we collect, how we use and share it, how to manage your privacy controls, and your rights in connection with our websites and the related mobile applications and services (collectively, the “Services”). Please also read our Terms of Service, which set out the terms governing the Services.

Strava is headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA. If you are in the European Economic Area, the Services are provided to you by Strava Ireland Limited. Otherwise, the Services are provided to you by Strava, Inc. Throughout these Terms “Strava” refers to the relevant service provider providing the Services to you.

This policy was written in English. To the extent a translated version conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.

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