Chrome frequently discards (i.e. 'unloads') tabs that haven't been active for a while. That makes sense if low on RAM, but I have ~70GB spare RAM. I p

Prevent Google Chrome unloading or discarding tabs?

submited by
Style Pass
2023-03-21 23:30:14

Chrome frequently discards (i.e. 'unloads') tabs that haven't been active for a while. That makes sense if low on RAM, but I have ~70GB spare RAM.

I put this into the address bar: chrome://discards and can see all open tabs and their discard status (AKA 'Loading State') i.e. loaded vs unloaded).

I also tried searching the flags (chrome://flags/) for anything related to 'tabs', 'unloading', 'discarding' etc, but couldn't spot anything there either.

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