Anthropic released the Claude 3 family of models last month, claiming it beats GPT-4 on all benchmarks. But others disagreed with these claims. So whi

Comparing GPT-4 and Claude 3 on long-context tasks¶

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Style Pass
2024-04-02 21:30:13

Anthropic released the Claude 3 family of models last month, claiming it beats GPT-4 on all benchmarks. But others disagreed with these claims.

So which one is it - is Claude 3 better than GPT-4 or not? And isn't the whole point of benchmarks to evaluate the models objectively and remove the guesswork?

Instead of relying on third-party benchmarks, as Hamel Husain suggests you should be evaluating models on your own, domain-specific data, with all its nuances and intricacies.

In this short blogpost, we'll evaluate Claude 3 and GPT-4 on a specific long-context extraction task. We'll do this comparison using Superpipe which makes it easy to swap in different models and compare them on accuracy, cost and speed.

For some types of tasks, we need LLMs with very long context windows. Currently the only LLMs with context windows longer than 100K are GPT-4 and the Claude 3 family of models.

Conventional wisdom suggests that the bigger and more expensive a model is, the more accurate it is on all tasks. Let's evaluate whether this is true on a specific task - extracting information from Wikipedia pages of famous people.

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