How we work together is evolving. Teams are using more and more tools to collaborate - some of which are cutting-edge, some of which are very similar to what we were using in the early 2000’s. To use the classic William Gibson quote, the future is here - it’s just not distributed evenly.
But how do we begin to make sense of these tools? What tools are here to stay, and what will the collaboration technologies of tomorrow look like? Knowing this could give forward-thinking organisations the cutting-edge, and allow them to massively increase their productivity and team cohesion.
This is where the Three Horizons model can help - a framework developed by International Futures Forum. It helps organisations and practitioners understand that they need to focus simultaneously on the work they’re focusing on today - while creating the capabilities they’ll need for tomorrow. In short, there are three horizons - H1, H2, and H3:
H1 / Horizon 1 is ‘ business as usual’ - characterised by innovations that maintain and reinforce our current paradigms. H1 - in this model - is on the out; destined to be (mostly) replaced by H2 innovations as they become more effective than H1 practices.