đź’ˇWhat contributing to Open-source is, and what it isn't

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2024-04-27 04:30:05

I've been a senior developer for quite some time now, yet I've just recently understood some advice I've been given at the very beginning of my career:

I get it. You're a student or a junior developer. It's hard out there and you want to boost your career. You don't know what to do. Or maybe you're just enthusiastic about open-source and want to contribute.

Imagine if people in your city decided to gather together and build a school for the community. What an inspiring collaborative effort!

So you're arriving on the building site with your brick and enthusiasm in your eyes. And very little knowledge of how building actually works, and even less knowledge on how this particular building is being built.

Well, let's be honest, despite your great intentions you're probably going to be more of a nuisance than anything else here.

Now imagine if, not only you do this, but two thousands other people are coming with you. Not only does this lower the odds of the school ever being built, the end result would probably be a school where no child should ever set foot.

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