In the ethereal dance of the cosmos, where the arcane whispers intertwine with the silent echoes of unseen dimensions, the Ioun Stone of Mastery emerg

Einsum for Tensor Manipulation

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2024-04-27 17:30:03

In the ethereal dance of the cosmos, where the arcane whispers intertwine with the silent echoes of unseen dimensions, the Ioun Stone of Mastery emerges as a beacon of unparalleled prowess. This luminescent orb, orbiting its bearer’s head, is a testament to the mastery of both magical and mathematical realms, offering a bridge between the manipulation of arcane energies and the intricate ballet of tensor mathematics. As the stone orbits, it casts a subtle glow, its presence a constant reminder of the dual dominion it grants over the spellbinding complexities of magic and the abstract elegance of multidimensional calculations, making the wielder a maestro of both mystical incantations and the unseen algebra of the universe.

Einsum (and einops in general) is a great tool for manipulating tensors. In ML it is often used to implement matrix multiplication or dot products. The simplest case would look like:

The loop version is great for intuition building, but it is extremely slow. Another way to implement einsum is to compose vectorized torch operations.

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