Today, we are announcing an exciting development for the Swift programming language: its migration to a dedicated GitHub organization at - New GitHub Organization for the Swift Project

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2024-06-10 21:30:08

Today, we are announcing an exciting development for the Swift programming language: its migration to a dedicated GitHub organization at

This migration reflects the growth and maturity of the Swift community and highlights Swift’s versatility beyond Apple’s own ecosystems. Over the last decade, many inspiring individuals’ hard and creative work has elevated Swift into various creative and practical applications. With a GitHub organization dedicated to Swift, we are creating an even more conducive environment for collaboration and innovation. This change will allow Swift to expand its reach to more platforms and use cases, sparking fresh possibilities and broadening Swift’s impact across the technology landscape.

The migration to the swiftlang organization will be phased over the coming weeks and months, striking a balance between minimizing disruption and ensuring a deliberate completion. Initially, the swiftlang organization will include foundational elements of the Swift project, such as:

Various groups within our community will spearhead this migration, including the Core Team, the Contributor Experience Workgroup, the Swift Server Workgroup, and the Website Workgroup. This initiative represents a community-wide effort, with full transparency as changes progressively unfold.

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