Visual book notes: Atomic Habits :: Sacha Chua

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2024-10-25 00:30:06

I like the focus on process rather than product. I was briefly enamoured with Big Hairy Audacious Goals but it turned out that wasn't really that motivating for me. These days, I'm more curious about enjoying life, making sense of things, and making incremental improvements to my processes.

I don't quite agree with the thought that you have to fall in love with boredom. I think part of continuous improvement is being able to find more things to be curious about, even with the basics, and to enjoy your progress and consistency. Maybe "fall in love with boredom" isn't quite the right wording for me. I think the author meant that you've got to be able to keep doing the routine stuff, which makes sense, but I hope I can still occasionally find interesting things in it. My brain probably just doesn't like the idea of boredom very much and has a bit of a visceral reaction to the word.

I am also iffy about streaks (they're not that motivating for me), commitment contracts and punishment (definitely not the way my brain likes to work), and never missing twice. My approach of being curious and gentle with myself might be suboptimal, but that's okay with me.

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