Human echolocation has at times allowed people to ride bikes or play basketball despite being completely blind from a very young age. These echolocato

Anyone Can Learn Echolocation in Just 10 Weeks—And It Remodels Your Brain

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2024-10-24 13:30:10

Human echolocation has at times allowed people to ride bikes or play basketball despite being completely blind from a very young age. These echolocators typically perceive their environment by clicking sharply with their tongues and listening to differences in the sounds reflected off objects.

Brain-imaging studies reveal that expert echolocators display responses to sound in their brain’s primary visual region, and researchers have speculated that long-term input deprivation could lead to visual regions being repurposed. “There’s been this strong tradition to think of the blind brain as different, that it’s necessary to have gone through that sensory loss to have this neuroplasticity,” says Lore Thaler, a neuroscientist at Durham University in England.

Thaler co-led a 2021 study showing that both blind and sighted people could learn echolocation with just 10 weeks of training. For more recent work in the journal Cerebral Cortex, she and her colleagues examined the brain changes underlying these abilities. After training, both blind and sighted people displayed responses to echoes in their visual cortex, a finding that challenges the belief that primary sensory regions are wholly sense-specific.

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